Hello Beautiful, I’m glad you chose to come back to receive the Goddess energy for July. Artemis comes forward as a potent guardian to remind us to ease our mind of all cares and concerns and instead, kindle the fire of our intentions. She offers spiritual protection for you and your loved ones.
I will share oracle readings for a small energy exchange. If you want me to draw a card for you, please donate $3 or whatever you wish to contribute to me via PayPal by July 2nd at Noon Eastern. I will send a picture of your card and message to the email address attached to your PayPal account unless you specify a different email address within 24 hours.
**$10 donations receive full goddess card messages like the one below.**
Enjoy this month’s goddess card message!

Every time I draw a card for myself or someone else there is always some truth to be drawn from the message. I suggest writing out your message on a sticky note and placing it somewhere highly visible. Read your message and then sit with it. Notice what comes up for you. How does the message make you feel?
About the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards:
Each card offers a Goddess archetype from one of several traditions and a specific message. I pull cards each day for myself and often draw cards for clients and friends. I enjoy cards purely for entertainment and often use them as an oracle to inform my current situation.
The goddesses are powerful, angelic, and loving beings who want to support you. Each card includes a specific message about how you can improve your life, health, relationships, finances, career, and spiritual path.
Reclaim Your Voice and Revel on Your Feminine Sovereignty!

The Goddess Card for July is
Artemis – Guardian
“You and your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected”
Message from Artemis:
Like me, you have a sacred mission to spread love and light. Yet, this is not a position that comes from tension or worry. Instead, the gentle essence of a joyful heart and lighthearted laughter sets your power into motion. Why would there be any tension in your mind or system unless you believed that you were somehow unsafe? And how could you be unsafe when you have called upon the spiritual warriors to watch over you? Your prayers have activated the flawless protection of Heaven. So, ease your mind of all cares and concerns, and concentrate instead upon your hold mission.
Meanings Of This Card:
The angels are watching over you and your family. Your future is safe and secure. All of your needs are being met and always will be. The worst is now behind you.
About Artemis:
(Pronounced Ar-tem-is): The Greek goddess Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo, the sun god. She is a powerful, tomboyish Goddess who prefers to spend her time in the woods with wild animals. Artemis has carried a bow and arrow ever since they were given to her in childhood, yet she never uses them to hurt anything. Rather, the energy of her bow and arrow is a talisman that helps her focus her thoughts and intention, and she always reaches the mark of her manifestations.

Do you want me to draw a goddess card for you?
I will pull a goddess card message for anyone who makes a love offering in the form of a donation of $3 or $10 for a longer goddess card message like the one above to my PayPal by July 2nd at Noon Eastern. Simply click on the secure PayPal link below to make your offering and I’ll email your message to you within 24 hours.
Click Here to Donate with PAYPAL

Want to reclaim your voice and speak your truth?
You are invited to schedule a Discovery Session
with Shann by Zoom, or Phone.
“Shann helps me shift old habits of thinking and perception, guides me as I move into a more joyful appreciation of my spirit, and continues to be a loving mirror on my journey. When I need to get down to the root issues and do it in a safe space, I’ve got her on speed-dial.” – Karen