I’m glad you chose to come back to receive the Goddess energy for March. Rhiannon made her way out of the deck to invite us to get out in nature and remember our magic.
The goddess card reading is still a free monthly offering but I no longer draw individual cards for our community as part of this complimentary sharing.
I share my goddess card readings for a small energy exchange. If you want me to draw a card for you, please donate $3 or whatever you wish to contribute to me via PayPal by March 2nd at Noon Eastern. I will send a picture of your card and a short message to the email address attached to your PayPal account unless you specify a different email address within 24 hours.
$10 donations receive full goddess card messages like the one below.
Enjoy this month’s goddess card reading!

Every time I draw a card for myself or someone else there is always some truth to be drawn from the message. I suggest writing out your message on a sticky note and placing it somewhere highly visible. Read your message and then sit with it. Notice what comes up for you. How does the message make you feel?
About the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards:
Each card offers a Goddess archetype from one of several traditions and a specific message. I pull cards each day for myself and often draw cards for clients and friends. I enjoy cards purely for entertainment and often use them as an oracle to inform my current situation.
The goddesses are powerful, angelic, and loving beings who want to support you. Each card includes a specific message about how you can improve your life, health, relationships, finances, career, and spiritual path.
Reclaim Your Voice and Revel on Your Feminine Sovereignty!
The Goddess Card for March
Rhiannon – Sorceress
“You are a magical person who can manifest
your clear intentions into reality.”
Message from Rhiannon :
A large part of my power stems from my connection to animals and nature. If you have been indoors too long, you can recapture your personal power by simply stepping outside. This simple motion will do you a world of good in reawakening your sleeping, magical, spiritual nature. Allow the light of the sun, the moon, and the stars to stir ancient memories that may be dormant. Recall the times of your magical abilities, and then put them to use immediately for the good of the entire planet. Resume the mission that was once aborted through the misdeeds of past-time leaders. Take up your spiritual arms and move with swift speed into the night, awakening one and all to the magic that is life itself. This is a mission that must be accomplished, and you are the one who can help us with it.
Meanings Of This Card:
Have absolute faith that your dream is manifested. Make a clear decision. Put your energy into manifesting your dreams. Know that you deserve to receive good things. When you win, others win too. Keep your thoughts focused on your desire and away from fear.
About Rhiannon:
(pronounced Ree-ah-non): This lunar Welsh goddess’s name means “great queen”, as she serves important functions, including being the muse of inspiration for poets, artists, and royalty. She lovingly carries souls from Earth to the afterlife plane upon her trusty white horse, helping them adjust to the transition of life after death. A shapeshifter, Rhiannon can appear to you as an animal, bird, or song. Call upon her for help with manifestations, spirit communication, transitions, or artistic inspiration.
Do you want me to draw a goddess card for you?
I will pull a goddess card message for anyone who makes a love offering in the form of a donation of $3 or $10 for a full goddess card message like the one above to my PayPal by March 2nd at Noon Eastern. Simply click on the secure PayPal link below and I’ll email your message to you within 24 hours.
Click Here to Donate with PAYPAL

Reclaim your voice and speak your truth
You are invited to schedule a Discovery Session with Shann by Zoom, or Phone.
I want to support your feminine transformation.
“Shann helps me shift old habits of thinking and perception, guides me as I move into a more joyful appreciation of my spirit, and continues to be a loving mirror on my journey. When I need to get down to the root issues and do it in a safe space, I’ve got her on speed-dial.” – Karen