Welcome back! I’m glad you’re here to receive the Goddess energy for December. Sedna reminds us that we are part of an abundant universe, filled with more than enough for everyone. And… we are supplied for today and all of our tomorrows! How does it get any better that that?! I will share oracle readings [...]
I’m glad you chose to come back to receive the Goddess energy for March. Rhiannon made her way out of the deck to invite us to get out in nature and remember our magic. The goddess card reading is still a free monthly offering but I no longer draw individual cards for our community as [...]
Happy Imbolc! I’m glad you chose to come back to receive the Goddess energy for February. Aeracura rose to the top of the deck to remind us that cultivating our patience is a virtue. This resonates big time with Mercury Retrograde all month, the pandemic, and the politics playing out on the world stage. The [...]