:: Sacred Solstice Transmission :: What a glorious time to be alive. Seriously… A new way of being is in the process of creation. Birthing a new paradigm is messy and uncomfortable at times but some of the darkness and heaviness you feel is coming from a part of the collective that wants to stay [...]
Happy New Year! I’m glad you chose to come back to receive the Goddess energy for January. Coventina invites us to be extra mindful of the energy we invite into our lives. This is a time to purify our mind, body, and spirit. We absolutely must take better care of ourselves during these uncertain times. [...]
For many years, I’ve been carving out sacred family time to visit my mom and stepfather up in the rolling farmland and sleepy village of Bliss, Michigan. Sweet traditions circle back around each visit including making my great grandmother’s homemade borscht (cold beet soup) recipe, canning sweet pickles, and gathering herbs and vegetables from my [...]