I’m glad you’re here to receive the Goddess energy for November.
While shuffling the oracle deck for this month’s card, Abundantia fell into my lap with the invitation to receive. She reminds you that the universe is pouring its abundance out to you. All you need to do is be open to receive prosperity in all its forms.
I will share goddess card messages for a small energy exchange. If you want me to draw a card for you, please donate $3 or whatever you wish to contribute to me via PayPal before November 3rd.
Your $10 donation gets you one Oracle card with your full message (Message+Meaning+Goddess Origin) like the one shared in this post.
Your $27 donation gets you three Oracle cards with full messages to help you illuminate whatever is dancing in your energy.

I will send a picture of your card(s) and message(s) to the email address attached to your PayPal account within 48 hours.
You can listen to monthly goddess card messages on the podcast. If you already follow This Sacred Life, you’ll get each new episode automatically.
You’re welcome to listen here or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Enjoy this month’s goddess card message!

Every time I draw a card for myself or someone else there is always some truth to be drawn from the message. I suggest writing out your message on a sticky note and placing it somewhere highly visible. Read your message and then sit with it. Notice what comes up for you. How does the message make you feel?
About the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards:
Each card offers a Goddess archetype from one of several traditions and a specific message. I pull cards each day for myself and often draw cards for clients and friends. I enjoy cards purely for entertainment and often use them as an oracle to inform my current situation.
The goddesses are powerful, angelic, and loving beings who want to support you. Each card includes a specific message about how you can improve your life, health, relationships, finances, career, and spiritual path.
The Goddess Energy for November is
Abundantia – Prosperity
“The universe is pouring its abundance out to you.
Be open to receiving.”
Message from Abundantia:
Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. You are very powerful, and I am here to support your growing power. It is right for you to receive this help, as we function as a team. I have heard your prayers, worries, and affirmations. I am pouring my cornucopia of prosperity upon you now, so expect unforeseen windfalls and gifts. Notice the new ideas, feelings, and visions within you. This guidance gives you clear direction about your actions to take in conjunction with my assistance. Together, we are unstoppable!
Various Meanings Of This Card:
Be open to receiving. A new windfall of money is coming to you. You have nothing to worry about. Your new venture will be financially successful. Visualize and affirm abundance. Abundance comes to you in many ways, including extra time, support, and ideas.
About Abundantia (pronounced ah-bun-DON-she-uh): Abundantia is a beautiful Roman and Norse goddess of prosperity, success, and abundance who is said to bring good fortune and financial windfalls to all who call upon her. She carries a cornucopia of golden coins, which trail behind her wherever she goes. One sign that she is with you is that you will find lots of spare change in unlikely locations. And rest assured that Abundantia brings more than pocket money to those who call upon her. She bestows all kinds of prosperity, including increased amounts of time, ideas, and other forms of support.
Do you want me to draw a goddess card for you?
I will pull a goddess card message for anyone who makes a love offering in the form of a donation of $3 $10 or $27 by November 3rd at Noon Eastern.
Simply click on the secure PayPal link below to make your offering and I’ll email your message to you within 24 hours.
Click Here to Donate with PAYPAL