Celebrate with me!
After much anticipation, I finally get to unveil something that I hope you and many in our community will find to be a valuable complement to your transformational journey.
First a short story about intuition and creation…
Feeling the call to amplify self-love and kindness and lift the voices of coaches and healers, I began podcasting in 2009 launching Anxiety Slayer and This Sacred Life; recording more than 800 podcast episodes, and amassing over 11 million downloads. For nearly a decade, I’ve actively coached and produced podcasts, and have partnered with loads of heart-centered female podcasters. The joy of coaching women from all walks of life to reclaim their voices and share their truth with the world is an incredible experience!
Last fall, I received a nudge from the universe and a psychic friend that opened my eyes to the value of a podcast training course for coaches, authors, and healers who also feel called to share their voices and expertise on a bigger stage but have been holding off due to all of the steps involved. More specifically, I was compelled to create a self-paced online training course for those who may feel intimidated by the technology involved in the podcasting process…
If this is you or someone you know, please read on. If not, thank you for reading this far. I’ll be back soon with a goddess card message and podcast for March!
… I followed my intuition and got to work creating a comprehensive podcast training course with step-by-step video tutorials, resources, examples, and checklists to ensure my students would have everything they need to succeed and come away with a brand new podcast – while learning at their own pace!
Today, this self-paced podcast training course is complete and available for all who are ready to move through the podcast creation journey on their own time with grace and ease.
All of the content from my Private Signature Program, valued at $2,997 is now available in an online course that is only slightly more than 10% of that investment. My beta testers overwhelmingly expected to pay more than twice that amount, but my commitment is to make it as easy as possible for anyone to enroll and start podcasting with an affordable introductory offer.
During beta testing I found that the most common barriers people experience when thinking of starting a podcast are:
- No time to attend structured, live classes
- Difficulty understanding where to even start
- Technology seems overwhelming
- Cost of private coaching
If you are podcast curious and have toyed with the idea of podcasting but don’t know where to begin, this course has you covered! Get the guidance you need to create a podcast with confidence and share your voice and expertise with the world!
Plus ALL students who enroll before March 3rd qualify to receive a $150 discount and a Bonus Podcast Review, valued at $200, which is more than the introductory offer for the entire course!
During your Podcast Review, you can expect feedback on your:
- Podcast Name
- Cover Graphic/Artwork
- Podcast Description
- Sound Quality
:: Testimonials from Beta Test Students::
“Are you podcast-curious but don’t know where to begin? Shann’s step-by-step instructions helped me go from puzzled to prepared to podcasting in just a few weeks!” – Krista Cain
“I learned so much from this training course! With Shann sharing her expertise in a way that is easy to understand and follow, I am empowered to start my own podcast. Every time a question popped up in my head, it seemed as if the very next paragraph had the answer! This course is easily worth 3 or 4 times as much that Shann is asking for!”
– Kim Tobin
“Shann’s podcast training course was just the step-by-step guide I needed to push through my technology blocks. With each course module, my anxiety was replaced with excitement because I realized I could actually create my own podcast and Shann showed me how!”
-Susie Sparling
All students who enroll in my new self-paced podcast training course before March 3rd get a generous $150 discount and a Bonus Podcast Review!
How does it get any better than that?!
You can see the entire podcast training course curriculum before making an investment at https://podcastbath.teachable.
To stay informed on all things podcasting in the future, please click here to receive a Free Special Report on How to up a Podcast Recording Studio and exclusive podcasting updates.