Hello and welcome back to another episode of This Sacred Life.™ A soulful, sensual, and sacred podcast for women.

I love to share transformational conversations with women who have learned to walk in beauty with the strength, courage, and pleasure of reclaiming their feminine sovereignty. Women all over the world are rising up to have their voices heard and you’re invited to join us in the conversation.

This month on This Sacred Life, I’m speaking with one of my favorite teachers, Chameli Gad Ardagh. In our third conversation over the last few years, Chameli and I discuss the ancient myth of Inanna’s journey to the Underworld as a highly relevant map for the challenges and opportunities we are facing today. We explore how surrendering to the process of death and rebirth allows us to engage in the world from a deeper alignment and trust.

Chameli (pronounced sha-meh-lee) is a storyteller and women’s wisdom keeper. Her love of ancient wisdom teachings and her own practice in women’s circles all over the world has crystallized maps of spiritual awakening and leadership that are accessible, practical, and honoring of women today. Rooted in earth-honoring, devotional women’s spirituality and goddess centered tantric yoga, she is especially appreciated for her love of mythology and storytelling as a key to spiritual awakening and embodiment.

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Goddess Energy – Kali – Transformation
“The old must be released so the new can enter.”

Before every interview, I get still and choose a Goddess card to inform our conversation. Kali made her way to the top of the Goddess Guidance Oracle in full support of our conversation about Inanna’s journey.


Here is our conversation via YouTube if you prefer to circle up via video.

Show Notes

We discuss the rhythms of death and re-birth

Why memory and meaning are so important during these transformational times.

How we are managing current events and our own initiations.

Inanna’s relevance and alignment with our times.

Who is Inanna?

Inanna is the goddess of love, fertility, and of war. She was known as the Queen of Heaven and Earth and worshipped in ancient Sumeria, a civilization emerging between the sixth and fifth millennium BC, in the region now known as southern Iraq. Inanna later became identified with the Akkadian Goddess Ishtar, with the Phoenician Astarte, the Greek Aphrodite, among others. There are also signs that the Hindu Goddess Durga originated from this thriving goddess centered culture in the Middle East. (Source Awakening Women)

We discuss this time of loss and deep transformation.

We also explore how taking action and surrendering is the dance we’re in and how this balance nourishes our souls.

The Goddess path offers us maps of spirituality not as an escape route “out of here”, but as an awakening into the essential nature of this world as a process, as the very body of the Goddess. When we recognize the mythical and universal patterns beneath the surface, we are initiated into a life of deeper contribution and meaning.
~ Chameli Gad Ardagh

Awakening to the Wisdom of the Deep – October 7-27, 2020

The rhythms of death and re-birth are as ancient as the cosmos itself. When we lose connection with this wider context full of memory and meaning, the times of dismantling and dissolution can feel like the endpoint, instead of a phase in a process that can initiate us and weave us back into the wisdom of the deep.

>> Step into the circle

For 21 days, we will follow the ancient poem Inanna’s Descent to the Underworld as our map through times of loss and transformation.

About Shann Vander Leek

Shann Vander Leek

Shann is a Transformational Leader, Award-Winning Podcaster, Best-Selling Author, Voice Over Talent, Podcast Coach, and Producer. She lives in the village of Suttons Bay, Michigan with her beloved husband and mouthy old cat. This Goddess Shines!