Welcome back to This Sacred Life.
Every month on the podcast, I share transformational conversations with women who have learned to walk in beauty, with the strength, courage, and pleasure of reclaiming their feminine sovereignty. Women all over the world are rising up to have their voices heard and I invite you to join us in the conversation.
Today it’s my honor to present another deeply stirring feminine conversation with my friend Lisa Adams.
Lisa is Fiercely dedicated to helping you OWN your Personal Revolution. Passionate about spirituality, holistic living, sensuality, and healing. Lisa offers readings and mentors women in the Mystic Arts of energetic metaphysics and ancient esoteric wisdom teachings. She can guide you in creating your own rituals of healing and manifestation.
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“2021 wants to gift you a new life, so you must die to this one. Repeatedly. Grieve if you must, as tears purge the traps we create around our hearts. Have gratitude for this life, this version of yourself.”
– Lisa Adams
Before our conversation, I drew a card from the Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild to inform our time together. Focus on the Light rose to the top of the decl with a special message. “A tremendous force of light is gathering around you. It is attracted to the purity of your intention to create from your heart. As your intention grows, so does the light. As the light grows, so does your intention. Magic wants to happen for you now! The synchronicity, perfect timing, opportunities and information that are needed will seem to be drawn right to your door. You may start to feel as if you cannot walk outside without stumbling into something helpful, wonderful, and inspiring.”
Points covered in this episode:
- Why we think this oracle card wanted to get our attention today.
- Astrology and planetary aspects for the end of December and the shift on the Solstice
- Ending an Era
- Ayurveda and how to care for the Vata Dosha
- Honoring death with sacred ritual
- Holding your vision for The Age of Aquarius
Visit www.TheRenegadeMystic.com to discover Lisa’s sacred offerings. This is the perfect time to schedule an astrology chart reading or a Year-long Alchemy reading with Lisa.
If you loved this conversation you’ll want to check out our conversation from 2019.
Transformation, Shamanic Death and Claiming Your Sovereignty